Alcohol Overdose

Most people consume alcohol to get relaxed and be stress-free from work or personal issues, and to cherish the time spent with their friends or family. However, alcohol overdosage can lead to serious health complications even for the first time.

The presence of too much alcohol in your bloodstream can affect the areas controlling brain functions such as temperature control, heart rate, and breathing. The most common symptoms of alcohol OD are vomiting, unconscious, mental confusion, slow heart rate, dulled responses, and trouble breathing. It can also lead to a permanent or temporary damage to your brain.

Risk factors of alcohol overdose

The most common risk factors are:

  1. Steady drinking over time: Drinking too much alcohol regularly can lead to serious health problems.
  2. Starting at an early age: People who are drinking at an early age are at higher risk of alcohol use disorder.
  3. Depression or other mental health problems: Commonly, people undergoing mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression have problems with alcohol or other substances abuse.
  4. History of trauma: People undergoing emotional trauma or other serious traumas are at risk of alcohol disorder.
  5. Drug use: Using drugs along with alcohol may not feel the effects of alcohol and this can cause you to drink more alcohol.

How to treat alcohol overdose

If you experience anĀ overdose, your immediately contact Detox to Rehab. Their zero-cost helpline is always open for those seeking immediate medical attention for themselves or their loved ones.

An alcohol overdose is treated in the emergency room along with the physician monitoring your blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature. If you are undergoing serious symptoms, your doctor may provide you with additional treatment

  1. IV Fluids: Doctors give intravenous fluids to treat dehydration which increases blood sugar levels.
  2. Oxygen: Supplemental oxygen is provided using a nasal cannula or a tube inserted into the nose.
  3. Stomach Pumping: By using a tube, doctors can clear the toxic from the stomach.


In moderation, alcohol can be ok. Some peers enjoy drinking beer, wine, or other liquors to celebrate or relax. After consuming too much alcohol you know you get a hangover. However, if you don’t know when to quit, you are putting yourself at high risk that can be life-threatening.

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